On Tuesday 29th November 2022, Cabra-Vale Diggers Green Keeping team accepted an award at the South-West Connect Thank You event for employers, held at St Johns Park Bowling Club.

South-West Connect is a not-for-profit organisation that work with young people aged 5-25 years and their families who are primarily from low socio-economic, CALD, refugee and migrant backgrounds facing challenges of disengagement, generational unemployment, and welfare dependency.

SWC aims to ensure young people vulnerable to these challenges are supported and have a strong foundation to build their futures. They do this by addressing social and wellbeing barriers, and obstacles impeding on education and employment outcomes.

Through their collaboration and established networks across the education, business, and community sectors, they have created over 67,000 work placements and 100 sustainable cross sector initiatives and partnerships that focus on health & wellbeing, youth unemployment, employability skills, transition & pathway options that will allow young people to become economic, social, and civic contributors in the community.

Cabra-Vale Diggers were presented an award for Host Employer for 2022 in recognition of our outstanding support and commitment to the work experience program in our local district. Brent Norman and his team have for over 10 years supported the work experience program with students coming from our local high schools. These students are given the opportunity to investigate the world of horticulture through the eyes of our team. Brent has at least one student during school terms on the property taking up the experience.

We celebrate this award and our team as this is what Cabra-Vale Diggers is about – supporting our local community in so many ways and on many levels.

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