Dress Regulations
We want everyone who comes to Cabra-Vale Diggers to enjoy themselves. As such there are a few things to remember when visiting our Club. All members, guests and children are required to be neat, clean and appropriately attired at all times. Any decision as to the cleanliness of dress and its conformity to this Club’s Dress Regulations rests with Management.
General Dress Regulations
Footwear is required at all times. Shirts are not to have a suggestive, obscene or crude motif. Inappropriate Industrial work clothes not permitted. Group of persons who have dress colours are not permitted. Rubber Thongs are NOT PERMITTED at any time.
Entertainment Dress Regulations
- Neat, clean and tidy
- Short or long pants. Neat, clean and tidy jeans
- Appropriate shirts to be worn
- Tracksuits not permitted.
Any persons heard using obscene or objectionable language within the club will be cited to appear before the Board of Directors.
Unacceptable Attire

Singlet Tops

Frayed Clothing

House Slippers

Bike Shorts

except for medical or ethno-religious reasons
Bare Feet

Innapropriate Shorts

Hair Curlers & Rollers

Inappropriate Length
of skirts, dresses and shorts
Rubber Thongs
Minors on licensed Premises
A child in the Club must always be accompanied by a responsible adult, be seated well away from any bar and gaming areas and is allowed to attend the following:
Dining Areas of District 8, Bistro 1925, Poppy Café, unrestricted while dining.
Bowls Tournaments
Participating minors in organised bowls tournaments are permitted to attend the Bowling section of the Club on the day of the event, one (1) hour prior to the event and required to leave one (1) hour after the completion of the event.
Help is close at hand
1800 858 858
R.S.A On Your Way
An important Responsible Service of Alcohol Message. The responsible service of alcohol is taken very seriously by the club. Our staff must strictly enforce the responsible service of alcohol and if you are showing the signs of intoxication you will be asked to leave the club in accordance with government legislation.
We want everyone who comes to Cabra-Vale Diggers to have a good time and as such we have developed a responsible service of alcohol message with some practical advice. R.S.A On Your Way reflects our responsibility as a licensed venue.
R.S.A On Your Way tips for a good night out:
- Drink wisely! Your drinking can affect others and spoil a good night out.
- Set a limit! Think about your next drink. There is a range of non and low-alcoholic beverages and a variety of food choice available.
- Be a designated driver! Take turns and stay safe.
- Look after your mates! And let them know when they have had enough.