Cabra-Vale Seniors Citizens & Welfare Club - Cabra-Vale Diggers

Cabra-Vale Seniors Citizens & Welfare Club

This wonderful group has been associated with Cabra Vale Diggers for a long time. They were established in 1953 in the local area. Located at the Cabra Senior Citizens Centre on McBurney Road Cabramatta just next to the Cabramatta PCYC. Cabra Vale Diggers Club and Fairfield City Council has been a supporter of the group for many years.

The core philosophy of the group is to create an environment that allows for senior local community men and women to meet and socialise. It embraces a place when they can go to communicate, relax and have an enjoyable time with other people. You can play bingo sit and chat and they go on day trips once a month. Meeting are held once a fortnight on Mondays commencing at 11.00 am starting with the first Monday of each month.

Jo Sanders is the current President of the Club and is keen for members to join the group. For further information contact Jo during business hours on
0422 643 861.

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