ANZAC DAY 2024 - Cabra-Vale Diggers


The landing at Gallipoli may have taken place 109 years ago but its significance remains fresh in the hearts and values of us all in 2024. So momentous was the significance of this conflict that it became a national symbol as to the importance of Remembrance ceremonies which reflect the sacrifice of Australians and her Allies, who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.

That day was characterised by courage, mateship, and sacrifice. These human qualities continue to influence our Nation’s most revered values today.

On a clear, cool April morning the Dawn Commemoration Service commenced with veterans marching to represent the Cabra-Vale Diggers Club to the Cabravale Memorial Park, led by Major Edward Farrell and followed by the Catafalque Guard from the 142 Signal Squadron 8 Regiment Australian Army. The reviewing officer was LT COL Scott Kirkwood. The stirring sounds of the Blacktown City Pipe band, led by Band Master Glynn Potter played a major part in supporting the service which followed.

This year after the Acknowledgement to Country the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council with Chairperson Uncle Troy Davis, Uncle Harry Callaghan presented the smoking ceremony to commence the service for the gathering of over 1,400.

The flag party this year comprised of Club Director Joseph Farrugia, Vietnam Veterans and Uncle Troy Davis.

The Club President, Major Walter Robinson OAM (Ret’d) was the MC who led us through the Dawn Service. Vice President, Ronnie Moore oversaw the laying of over 88 wreaths which were laid in memory of those who did not return from war, with the bag pipes playing The Lament in the background. This year, Director Shane Burette recited the Prologue. Di Solomon sang the Hymn ‘The Recessional‘ and the National Anthems of New Zealand and Australia.

The Commemorative and Memorial addresses were truly in the ANZAC spirit, with Major Edward Farrell from the 142 Signal Squadron 8 Regiment Australian Army and Commander Bradley King, from the New Zealand Defence Forces respectively addressing the assembled gathering.

The prayers and the “Our Father” were presented by Father Remy Son Lam Bui from the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Cabramatta.

Warrant Officer Class II Stephen Straughan from the 142 Signal Squadron recited the Ode and The Last Post and Rouse were played by the Bugler Adrian Munn.

The two local High Schools which consistently participate in these Commemorative events maintained their constant support and respect for the occasion.

The Cabramatta High School and Canley Vale High School leadership teams recited a New Zealand poem “Homecoming “and excerpts from “Forgotten Voices” which is based on diary excerpts from soldiers at Gallipoli in 1915. Our special thanks to the Principals Lachlan Erskine, Effie Niarchos, and students from both the schools. It was an outstanding presentation.

A special mention of appreciation must be given to Fairfield City Council and especially the Open Space and Parks and Gardens Department, who worked tirelessly to ensure the park was in its best condition for the event. The Council must also be recognised for the support they gave to ensure The Soldier’s Memorial Bandstand was ready for the ANZAC event.  Your ongoing support of the ceremony is appreciated.

Thank you to the military personnel from the 142 Signal Squadron and the New Zealand Consul General Bill Dobbie, who has given us the support to honour our ANZACS further ensuring the event recognises the mutual support both countries gave to the ANZAC.

The closing address was presented by the Honourable Tri Vo MP Member for Cabramatta who reminded us of in the importance of these commemorative services in our community which allows us any opportunity to remember.

This year the Club was very honoured to present this important Commemorative Dawn Service once again for our members and community.  It was evident that the occasion is important to our community and that we shall continue to demonstrate that we are here to remember.

 Lest We Forget.


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