Cabra-Vale Diggers perform a vital role in the community, supporting over 80 local community organisations including education, aged care, health services, sporting and ethnic associations. Last financial year the club contributed over $1.2 million in funds to these groups.
However, the Club has decided it wants to do more. It wants to play a more active, more meaningful and a more hands-on role in the community.
On Wednesday 18 July, in the lead up to “Do Something Day”, Cabra-Vale Diggers CEO Boris Belevski unveiled a new community partnership scheme called Cabra-Diggers Cares. Through the program, Cabra-Vale Diggers will partner with a community organisation, not for profit or charity on a specific project. The club plans to fund up to six projects a year that aid and assist the community and will also provide hands on assistance that could include in-kind backing, mentoring and encouraging volunteer support through members and staff. They will also provide a valuable communications arm to amplify the program and create awareness and engagement.
Cabra-Diggers Cares was launched in front of a group of around 50 people including The Mayor of the City of Fairfield, Cr Frank Carbone, Mr Chris Hayes, Member for Fowler and Mr Guy Zargari, Member for Fairfield, along with local charities, community organisations and school representatives.
The Club also announced their first Cabra-Diggers Cares project. They are partnering with The Future Leaders Group to provide a generational leaders program for young women 15-22 years of age. Through this scheme a group of young women will undergo a series of workshops to understand and identify their own personal leadership style, increase their social responsibility and ultimately create a project that will benefit young women like themselves in the Fairfield Community. One of these projects will be funded and brought to life through Cabra-Diggers Cares.
Michelle Farrell, The Future Leaders Director said that it was a privilege to be partnering with the club in launching this significant community initiative. “We all hear so much about needing more gender diversity in leadership in workplaces. But clearly that doesn’t happen by just talking about it. It takes both vision and commitment to invest in women at the start of their journey – to walk alongside them as mentors, to upskill and inspire them to pursue leadership opportunities.”
Mayor Frank Carbone said the new Cabra-Diggers Cares project highlights a lot about our own responsibility and challenges us all to do more. He said, “The Club recognises that someone needed to step up. This program is not just about money, but it is something that will change people’s lives.”
You can find out more about Cabra-Diggers Cares and the Generational Leaders program for Young Woman on the clubs website
*** END ***
Photo: l to r: Present at the Cabra-Diggers Cares launch were Mr Guy Zangari MP, Member for Fairfield; a representative from Mary MacKillop Girls College; Michelle Farrall, The Future Leader Director; Sharma Pane, Manager Core Communities; Mr Chris Hayes, Member for Fowler and Cr Frank Carbone, Mayor of the City of Fairfield.
Hi-res image available by contacting or 0419 954 999
For more information contact:
Michael Foulkes.
Group General Manager, Cabra-Vale Diggers
Ph: (02) 9727 3600